Azure Devops Pipelines

Trigger a Test Run from Azure Devops Pipelines

  1. Create the Azure Pipelines project the way you normally would.

  2. Add the Testery API Token as a secret variable in your project (follow these steps: The Testery API token can be found on the Settings tab on the Integrations sub-tab.

  3. Add the following task to your azure-pipelines.yml. Make sure you update the command arguments to match your project.

- task: PowerShell@2
    displayName: Run Tests in Testery
    targetType: inline
    script: | 
       pip -q install testery --upgrade
       testery upload-build-artifacts --token "${env:TESTERY_TOKEN}" --project "example-specflow-dotnet-core" --path "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\Web.Specs\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.0\" --build-id "$(Build.BuildNumber)" --zip-dir
       testery create-test-run --token "${env:TESTERY_TOKEN}" --git-ref "$(Build.SourceVersion)" --project "example-specflow-dotnet-core" --environment "dev" --build-id "$(Build.BuildNumber)"
      TESTERY_TOKEN: $(TesteryToken)

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