Upload Test Run for Analysis

If you'd like to upload a test run for reporting purposes, to generate an AI-driven analysis, or to kick off alerts. You can do so either from the UI or from the CLI.

You will want to have a copy of your test run output in JUnit XML format. To generate this for your framework, see our various Framework Specific Guidance.

Upload Test Run (UI Option)

  1. Click Upload Test Run.

  2. Select your Project and Environment and then click Choose File to upload your JUnit XML.

Upload a Test Run (CLI Option)

Ensure you have the Testery CLI installed:

pip install testery

Once installed, you can use the following command to upload your test results to Testery:

testery upload-test-run\
  --environment-key develop \
  --project-key Your_Project_Name \
  --path target/surefire-reports/junitreports/junit.xml

Replace Your_Project_Name with your specific project name and adjust the --pathoption to point to the location of your JUnit XML file generated by TestNG.

If your junit.xml file is large, you should consider compressing it using .gz format

Last updated