Update Pytest to Generate JUnit XML for Import into Testery

Step 1: Install the pytest-xdist Plugin

To generate JUnit XML reports for your Pytest tests, you'll need to install the pytest-xdist plugin. This plugin extends Pytest's functionality and provides the JUnit XML report generation feature.

Open your project's terminal and run the following command to install the plugin:

pip install pytest-xdist

Step 2: Update Your Pytest Configuration

Now that you have the pytest-xdist plugin installed, you need to update your Pytest configuration to use it.

  1. Create a Pytest configuration file, if you don't already have one. The configuration file should be named pytest.ini or pyproject.toml (for newer Pytest versions).

  2. Add the following configuration to enable the JUnit XML report generation:

    For pytest.ini:

    junit_family = xunit2
    junit_suite_name = Your_Test_Suite_Name
    junit_logging = all
    junit_log_passing_tests = True
    junit_log_truncate = True

    Replace Your_Test_Suite_Name with an appropriate name for your test suite.

    For pyproject.toml:

    junit_family = 'xunit2'
    junit_suite_name = 'Your_Test_Suite_Name'
    junit_logging = 'all'
    junit_log_passing_tests = true
    junit_log_truncate = true

    Again, replace Your_Test_Suite_Name as needed.

Step 3: Run Your Pytest Tests

With your Pytest configuration updated, you can now run your tests as usual. Pytest will automatically use the JUnit XML reporter to generate XML reports.

To run your tests, use the following command:


After running the tests, you should see JUnit XML files generated in your project directory.

Step 4: Upload Your Test Results to Testery

The final step is to upload the generated JUnit XML files to Testery for further analysis. You can use the Testery CLI to achieve this. Ensure you have the Testery CLI installed:

pip install testery

Once installed, you can use the following command to upload your test results to Testery:

testery upload-results \
  --environment develop \
  --project Your_Project_Name \
  --file junit.xml

Replace Your_Project_Name with your specific project name and adjust the --file option to point to the location of your JUnit XML files generated by Pytest.

This step will make your Pytest test results accessible within Testery, allowing you to monitor and analyze them efficiently.

Last updated