Test Selection Rules

Testery.yml syntax for defining test selection rules

    - default:
        - employeeRule:
            - src_changes:
                - src/employees/*
            - include_tags:
                - employees   
        - itemRule:
            - src_changes:
                - src/items/*
            - include_tags:
                - items

Currently, Testery supports 1 suite of rules, named "default". Within the suite, you'll need a list of "rules". Each rule has a "when" and a "then".

When Conditions

When conditions are used to trigger a set of tests to be selected.

  • src - Currently, only the "src" condition is supported. This trigger will apply a regular expression to the list of files changed in the code branch.

Then Conditions

Then conditions refine the tests that will be selected

  • include_tags: If your testing framework supports tags, then this can be used to specify the tags that will be included in the test run

  • exclude_tags: If your testing framework supports tags, then this can be used to specify the tags that will be excluded in the test run

  • test_filters: A regular expression that can be applied to choose the tests to run

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