Test Triggers
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Testery gives you flexibility about when, where, and how you run your tests. With Test Triggers, you can configure your tests to run when
Run tests when another project is deployed (e.g. run your Selenium/Cypress tests when the API is deployed)
Run tests on a schedule (e.g. nightly, hourly)
Run tests when the tests are updated
Run different suites depending on what environment is deployed to
Scheduling automated tests to run on a regular schedule is a common task that companies implement to ensure automated tests are run regularly and consistently. Testery allows you to create and manage your scheduled test runs right within the platform!
Scheduling an Automated Test There are 2 ways to schedule a test run within Testery.
Create a test run and make it recurring. While creating a new test run there is a Schedule field where you can select Run Now, Run on Interval or Run Deploy. Selecting Run Now will create your test run and run it one time. Selecting either of the other 2 options will create a scheduled test run.
Create a new schedule on the Schedule tab. On the schedule tab, click the green +Add New Schedule button to add a scheduled test run.
On Interval. When scheduling an automated test to run on an interval you first select the project and environment you want your tests to run against. Next, select Run On Interval from the Schedule dropdown. Once you do this a Cron Expression box will appear. Enter the day/time you would like your test run to execute. Testery will validate the cron expression using the crontab format. Select the Branch, Commit and Build of the tests you are running. (If you want to select the latest Build when scheduling a test run, Testery has to have deployment info so it is deploy-aware. See Testery Deployments for more information.) Then, add any filters and tags to ensure you are including only those tests you want to be scheduled.
The structure of the Cron Expression should look like the line below. There are five fields(*) specifying the time to execute the command.
* * * * *
Where the asterisks(*) represent the following time fields:
minute (0-59) (in UTC timezone)
hour (0-23) (in UTC timezone)
day of the month (1-31)
month of the year (1-12)
day of the week (0-6, Sunday to Saturday)
You can leave the asterisk which means you want all values for the time field. You can also specify a specific number or even multiple numbers (separate multiple numbers with a comma).
Here are some examples of how you might specify the cron expression in Testery:
Run a test daily at midnight ( 0 0 * * * )
Run a test each week on Wednesday at 5:00 AM ( 0 5 * * 3 )
Run a test each day of week at 6 AM and 11 AM (0 6,11 * * * )
Run a test every hour of every day ( * */1 * * * )
Now, just save the test run and voila!!! You now have scheduled your automated tests to run on a schedule.
Managing schedules From the Schedules tab in Testery is where you will manage your schedules. You can create new schedules, edit existing schedules, or delete a schedule. You also have the ability to enable and disable schedules.
Schedule Details On Deploy. Note: The On Deploy option will not show up until Testery has deploy info for at least one project. See Testery Deployments for more information. When scheduling an automated test to run on a deploy you first select the project and environment you want your tests to run against. Next, select Run On Deploy from the Schedule dropdown. Once you do this a Deploy Project box will appear. Select the project you want to trigger your tests when it is deployed. Select the Branch, Commit and Build of the tests you are running. (If you want to select the latest Build when scheduling a test run, Testery has to have deployment info so it is deploy-aware. See Testery Deployments for more information.) Then, add any filters and tags to ensure you are including only those tests you want to be scheduled.